Monday, March 27, 2017

A Jinni's Love Story

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Aisha put a finger in front of her lips, telling them to keep silent. Unfortunately they weren’t quiet enough. The moment that Aisha opened the gate to the cage, the cat startled awake and cowered. In fact, it shook so violently that Sidiro thought the poor animal alone could break the cage by just shaking.

“So, what do you think?” Aisha asked, trying unsuccessfully to draw the cat forward with a piece of biscuit. “I feel a weird tingling whenever I’m near her. Sort of like the tingle I feel when one of you comes near me. Is she something like you?”

“I think,” Jeremy said, “that she is one. Though I’m not sure if she even knows it. Sid? What about you?”

The moment Sidiro traded gazes with the animal, he felt a weird tingling vibration. It was sort of like the tingle he could feel when Jeremy was close by, but not quite. This kind of tingle started from his lips and went down all the way to his toes, sort of like he’d been kissed by a sudden bolt of electricity. This was really weird. This had never happened with any other jinni before, not even his brother. But he was sure that, despite the different kind of tingle, he was standing in front of a jinniyah, a female of his kind.

“What animal is she?” Sid asked, taking a step closer and standing in front of the cage, the opening of which was directly leveled with his shoulders. From this angle and with his big body blocking the light, all he could see was a pair of amber eyes that glowed in the darkness.

“A jaguarondi or otter cat,” Aisha replied, giving up on the biscuit trick.

“Ja-gua-ron-di? Otter cat’s easier to pronounce. Where did you find her again?”

“She was inside a plastic bag. In a dumpster behind the fast food junction that my cousin works in. When I took her out, she tried to get away from me. But it was obvious she was starving. She could barely run away. Even lift a paw to scratch me. I took her home, but she wouldn’t eat anything I gave her.”

Movie Scripts

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